The new roof was a warm roof construction where we utilised the newly LABC approved insulation Actis Hybrid to boost u-values as well as save space on insulating depths, completed with a marley grey roof tile.
The internal re-modelling consisted of new internal walls, new electrics, plumbing and heating with a plaster skim finish to all walls and ceilings.
The existing property was a bungalow where the client wanted to extend to a dormer property with a 1st floor and a side and rear extension.
The client would be living on site in a temporary static home while we completely removed the internals of the property and more . . .
The original roof was removed the garage roof was removed, the extension foundations were put in which then we could build off using a matching brick. The structural steel work was a complex and complicated mix of posts, beams, lintels, fitch beams and purlins.